“Have you got the result of CI-101 exam?” there it popped up a question from one of my classmates in CCIM course on MSN, when I just started my work in the morning on Jan. 4th .
“No”, “Have you?” I replied.
“Yes, I just got it.” He with an attachment lying on the junk box. I double clicked on it in haste. That’s it! It is the certificate of CI-101 Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate. It is issued by CCIM Institute in the USA. Wow…how lovely it is.
Though it is indeed not easy to get the 1st certificate as mentioned above, I know there is still a very long way to go before being a qualified CCIM.
To earn the CCIM Designation through the general candidacy program, you must complete the following requirements:
A. Become a Candidate of the Institute.
B. Successfully complete all four Core Courses (CI101, CI102, CI103, and CI104).
1.Pre-Introduction to Commercial Investment Analysis -1 days
2.CI-101 Financial Analysis -5 days
3.CI-102 Market Analysis -5 days
4.CI-103 User Decision Analysis-5 days
5.CI-104 Investment Analysis-5 days
C. Earn three elective creditsElective credits can be earned through multiple sources including completing the Introduction course, attending the Course Concepts Review program, attending a CCIM Conference or Symposium, Candidacy (one credit for every year of continuous candidacy up to three credits), completing a CCIM Online Education course, or Transfer Elective Credits.
D. Submit the Portfolio of Qualifying Experience before taking the final exam.
The Portfolio may be submitted any time after the completion of CI101. Volume requirements may be met in one of three ways:
1. Ten qualifying activities that total $10 million or more; or
2. $40 million in volume regardless of the number of activities; or
3. Thirty qualifying activities regardless of the volume
E. Successfully pass the Comprehensive Exam presented twice a year.Registration for the Comprehensive Examination will only be accepted if the core class requirements are met, elective credit requirement fulfilled and the Portfolio of Qualifying Experience has been approved by the Designation Committee.
That’s all!
It seems the goal is difficult to be achieved, but not that difficult, if you keep on it insistently. Isn’t it?