CCIM 國際認證 商業不動產投資師

全球商業不動產領域 最高等級的專業認證

A CCIM - Certificated Commercial Investment Member - is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate.

台北 101 . Taipei 101


World Vision Spotting Taipei 101

鹹魚大翻身 菲律賓國內經濟起飛

No stopping the property boom for Philippines mart's bulls

現在的菲律賓, 跟沒去過的人想像的, 完全不一樣 全球租金毛收益率, 亞洲國家中, 菲律賓最高 讓全球房地產投資客眼睛一亮 不能再忽視菲律賓的成長了


世界最美沙灘之一 - 菲律賓長灘島

Beautiful and Charming Boracay


菲律賓馬尼拉 馬卡蒂副都心

Circuit Makati in Manila, the Philippines 

由菲律賓最大的房地產開發商股票上市公司Ayala Land International 在馬尼拉精華區Makati City馬卡蒂市外環開發的 Circuit Makati 馬卡蒂副都心


Main entry of Circuit Makati


賽絲提斯 高級時尚住宅

SOLSTICE - Residential in Circuit Makati, Manila, the Philippines

位於馬尼拉精華區Makati City馬卡蒂外環 Circuit Makati 馬卡蒂副都心, 其中稀有的兩棟高級住宅

實坪: 10坪 - 40坪 開放國際客戶購買, 日本及新加坡客戶踴躍訂購, Tower 1 所餘戶數有限, Tower 2 即將推出

史泰爾斯 全功能高級辦公大樓

Stiles Office Building in Circuit Makati, Manila, the Philippines



A Harvest

“Have you got the result of CI-101 exam?” there it popped up a question from one of my classmates in CCIM course on MSN, when I just started my work in the morning on Jan. 4th .
“No”, “Have you?” I replied.
“Yes, I just got it.” He said. with an attachment lying on the junk box. I double clicked on it in haste. That’s it! It is the certificate of CI-101 Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate. It is issued by CCIM Institute in the USA. Wow…how lovely it is.

Though it is indeed not easy to get the 1st certificate as mentioned above, I know there is still a very long way to go before being a qualified CCIM.

To earn the CCIM Designation through the general candidacy program, you must complete the following requirements:

A. Become a
Candidate of the Institute.

B. Successfully complete all four Core Courses (
CI101, CI102, CI103, and CI104).
1.Pre-Introduction to Commercial Investment Analysis -1 days
2.CI-101 Financial Analysis -5 days
3.CI-102 Market Analysis -5 days
4.CI-103 User Decision Analysis-5 days
5.CI-104 Investment Analysis-5 days

C. Earn three elective creditsElective credits can be earned through multiple sources including completing the
Introduction course, attending the Course Concepts Review program, attending a CCIM Conference or Symposium, Candidacy (one credit for every year of continuous candidacy up to three credits), completing a CCIM Online Education course, or Transfer Elective Credits.

D. Submit the
Portfolio of Qualifying Experience before taking the final exam.
The Portfolio may be submitted any time after the completion of CI101. Volume requirements may be met in one of three ways:
1. Ten qualifying activities that total $10 million or more; or
2. $40 million in volume regardless of the number of activities; or
3. Thirty qualifying activities regardless of the volume

E. Successfully pass the
Comprehensive Exam presented twice a year.Registration for the Comprehensive Examination will only be accepted if the core class requirements are met, elective credit requirement fulfilled and the Portfolio of Qualifying Experience has been approved by the Designation Committee.

That’s all!
It seems the goal is difficult to be achieved, but not that difficult, if you keep on it insistently. Isn’t it?



一月四日早上, 當我正要開始一天的工作時, MSN跳出一個視窗 “你收到CI-101的成績單了嗎?”
“沒有耶” “你呢?”

A Severe Test

This article should be completed not long after the CI 101 course of CCIM ended on Dec. 18nd, 2007. There is no better excuse to admit that I have been pretty occupied by work and numerous business activities, while time indeed never stays.


這篇文章應該在2007年12月18日上完CCIM 的CI 101課程時, 就該寫的. 不過很不好意思但要承認, 除了忙工作和忙社團之類那些大家都知道的藉口, 時間也實在過的太快了. 從CI 101財務分析的課程結束到現在, 已匆匆過了一個月, 但那先苦後甘的經驗, 已在我心中留下深刻的印象.