CCIM 國際認證 商業不動產投資師

全球商業不動產領域 最高等級的專業認證

A CCIM - Certificated Commercial Investment Member - is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate.

台北 101 . Taipei 101


World Vision Spotting Taipei 101

鹹魚大翻身 菲律賓國內經濟起飛

No stopping the property boom for Philippines mart's bulls

現在的菲律賓, 跟沒去過的人想像的, 完全不一樣 全球租金毛收益率, 亞洲國家中, 菲律賓最高 讓全球房地產投資客眼睛一亮 不能再忽視菲律賓的成長了


世界最美沙灘之一 - 菲律賓長灘島

Beautiful and Charming Boracay


菲律賓馬尼拉 馬卡蒂副都心

Circuit Makati in Manila, the Philippines 

由菲律賓最大的房地產開發商股票上市公司Ayala Land International 在馬尼拉精華區Makati City馬卡蒂市外環開發的 Circuit Makati 馬卡蒂副都心


Main entry of Circuit Makati


賽絲提斯 高級時尚住宅

SOLSTICE - Residential in Circuit Makati, Manila, the Philippines

位於馬尼拉精華區Makati City馬卡蒂外環 Circuit Makati 馬卡蒂副都心, 其中稀有的兩棟高級住宅

實坪: 10坪 - 40坪 開放國際客戶購買, 日本及新加坡客戶踴躍訂購, Tower 1 所餘戶數有限, Tower 2 即將推出

史泰爾斯 全功能高級辦公大樓

Stiles Office Building in Circuit Makati, Manila, the Philippines




【經濟日報╱記者黃啟菱/台北報導】 2011.02.22 08:50 am

私募基金亞太置地(Asia Pacific Land)將大舉買進台灣商用不動產。該基金台灣區總經理詹偉立昨(21)日表示,正籌募一檔私募基金,目標2億美元(約新台幣約58.6億元),預計第三季到位,加計槓桿操作,總規模可達9億美元(約新台幣263億元),大舉進軍台灣房市。


2011年02月21日 17:04 來源: 揚子晚報





  大家期盼的CCIM春酒及CCIM應用講座聚會定於3/2(三) 3:30-9pm舉行,這是把酒言歡


南京房產新政出臺 二套房首付款比例不得低於60%

2011年02月19日 19:00
來源:中國廣播網 作者:姚東明

中廣網南京2月19日消息 記者剛剛獲悉:南京市政府辦公廳今天印發了《關於進一步做好房地產市場調控工作的通知》,房地產調控新政出臺。



Doing business and investing in Vietnam: challenges and opportunities

February 18, 2011

With economic reform and growing affluence, Vietnam is one of the key emerging economies in the medium and long term. The country's business environment presents numerous opportunities for investment, despite challenges such as a burdensome Communist state apparatus and inadequate infrastructure.

Travel To Charming Vietnam

Traveling to Vietnam really means discovering a world of color. The latest Asian dragon to awake is well-known for its all-out war in the past, now has turned into ideal tourist destination thanks to dramatic coastline, radiant rice fields, divine belief, compelling history, endlessly friendly and gorgeous people and fascinating lifestyle.

越南再融資率 調升2%

經濟日報╱編譯賴美君/綜合外電】 2011.02.18 03:15 am



Michael Jackson's dad in Vietnam 'Happyland' scheme

Mon Feb 14, 1:03 am ET

HANOI (AFP) – The father of late pop icon Michael Jackson on Monday helped start work on a $2 billion hotel-entertainment complex called "Happyland", billed by Vietnam as the region's largest tourism project.

Joe Jackson told Vietnamese television he has invested in a five-star hotel as part of a major development project in southern Long An province.

During a live broadcast of the groundbreaking ceremony, Jackson -- whose son died in 2009 -- said the legendary singer "lived to make people happy and I am proud to maintain that, making Vietnamese people happier.


更新日期:2011/02/14 21:20 F18張曉雯

(法新社河內14日電) 已故流行音樂天王麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)的父親約瑟夫.傑克森(JoeJackson),今天參加飯店遊樂區「樂土」(Happyland)的破土典禮。這個遊樂區斥資20億美元打造,越南稱這是東南亞規模最大的旅遊工程。

約瑟夫.傑克森告訴越南電視台,他在越南南部隆安省(Long An)的大型發展計劃中,投資一間五星級飯店。



The official devaluation news from Statebank of Vietnam

The official devaluation news from Statebank of Vietnam:

09:04 11Feb11 RTRS-TIMELINE-Major moves in Vietnam's currency policy

HANOI, Feb 11 (Reuters) - Vietnam devalued the dong by 8.5 percent on Friday to 20,693 per dollar from 18,932 and narrowed the trading band around the midpoint to 1 percent from 3 percent.

* For a snapshot with the latest rates, click [SNAPSHOT-VN].

NOTE: State Bank of Vietnam rules allow dollar/dong transactions to move in a band around a mid-point reference rate set daily. (Compiled by John Ruwitch) ((; +84 4 3825 9623; Reuters Messaging: ((If you have a query or comment on this story, send an email to



2011 Forecast: The Good, The Bad, and the Unknown

by Kenneth P. Riggs Jr., CCIM, CRE, MAI

CIRE Magazne 2011.01-2011.02
The Economy
While still struggling, the economy has some good associated with it, including positive growth, low interest rates, and increasing private-sector employment growth. Unfortunately, much is still quite bad, including the weakness in the residential real estate market, an increasing debt load, and an unemployment rate that is much too high. As for the unknown, there is plenty of that to go around: Will there be a double-dip recession? Will the U.S. lose its AAA credit rating? Will California or other states fall into bankruptcy? What is the condition of the regional banks?

不動產投資師 國際認證

2011年 01月31日 蘋果日報 【江碩涵╱台北報導】
