CCIM 國際認證 商業不動產投資師

全球商業不動產領域 最高等級的專業認證

A CCIM - Certificated Commercial Investment Member - is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate.

台北 101 . Taipei 101


World Vision Spotting Taipei 101

鹹魚大翻身 菲律賓國內經濟起飛

No stopping the property boom for Philippines mart's bulls

現在的菲律賓, 跟沒去過的人想像的, 完全不一樣 全球租金毛收益率, 亞洲國家中, 菲律賓最高 讓全球房地產投資客眼睛一亮 不能再忽視菲律賓的成長了


世界最美沙灘之一 - 菲律賓長灘島

Beautiful and Charming Boracay


菲律賓馬尼拉 馬卡蒂副都心

Circuit Makati in Manila, the Philippines 

由菲律賓最大的房地產開發商股票上市公司Ayala Land International 在馬尼拉精華區Makati City馬卡蒂市外環開發的 Circuit Makati 馬卡蒂副都心


Main entry of Circuit Makati


賽絲提斯 高級時尚住宅

SOLSTICE - Residential in Circuit Makati, Manila, the Philippines

位於馬尼拉精華區Makati City馬卡蒂外環 Circuit Makati 馬卡蒂副都心, 其中稀有的兩棟高級住宅

實坪: 10坪 - 40坪 開放國際客戶購買, 日本及新加坡客戶踴躍訂購, Tower 1 所餘戶數有限, Tower 2 即將推出

史泰爾斯 全功能高級辦公大樓

Stiles Office Building in Circuit Makati, Manila, the Philippines



Tablets Take Charge

Technology Solutions

Tablets Take Charge

by Dennis LaMantia

When Apple introduced its first tablet computer last year, iPad ads featured lounging Web surfers and newspaper readers. CCIMs these were not.

In the fast-moving world of commercial real estate, tablet users can improve client service by reducing response time. With a data connection and a strong signal, CCIMs are running pro formas during property tours and showing listings that previously required stacks of paper fliers. "If used well, a tablet can make you more productive from anywhere," says Jonathan Epstein, CCIM, of Berger-Epstein Associates in Allentown, Pa.




by Dennis LaMantia

當去年Apple推出它的第一個平板電腦iPad, 聲稱它的特色是針對上網瀏覽族及報紙閱讀者. 但我們CCIM當時卻不是這族群.

在快速進展的商業不動產世界, 平板電腦的使用者可以因為減少回應的時間而增進對客戶的服務. 藉由和資料的連結及強烈的訊號, CCIM們可在推廣物業的途中, 運算專業表格和展示物件, 這些在以前都是成疊的廣告單. Berger-Epstein Associates in Allentown, Pa.Jonathan Epstein, CCIM 如果使用得當, 平板電腦可以讓你在任何地方都工作的更有生產力

10 Tablet Apps for Commercial Real Estate


10 Tablet Apps for Commercial Real Estate

by Dennis LaMantia

In CIRE’s September/October 2011 issue, CCIMs discussed how they use tablets to enhance their business. Most commercial real estate professionals who own tablets are familiar with listing-service apps such LoopNet and CoStarGo, but we asked CCIMs to share their favorite productivity apps. Here are the 10 most-commonly mentioned ones.


Technology 科技


by Dennis LaMantia

CIRE本期(9/10), CCIM們曾討論他們如何用平板電腦增加他們的生意.大部份擁有平板電腦的商業不動產專業人士, 對於一些不動產業界常用的應用程式如 LoopNetCoStarGo比較熟悉(: 以上都為美國當地適用), 但我們請CCIM們分享一些他們最喜歡也最有生產效率的應用程式. 這裡提供10個最常提到的應用程式.



2011-09-20 12:52:40


 Vietnam Business News報導,本(2011)年前8個月來越投資不動產項目之外資案件數為669件,投資金額約計600億美元,大部分投資案位於胡志明市。越南不動產市場係一外人投資潛力市場,惟近期因越南通貨膨脹高漲,政府債信大幅成長20%,貸款利率高達22~25%,越盾貶值等多項不利因素影響,致使外資態度趨於謹慎。


China Steel Sumikin Vietnam Joint Stock Company holds Its Ground Breaking Ceremony at VFIP

  • Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd

From left: Dr. Hiroshi Tomono (President of Sumitomo Metals)
From right: Mr. Shinichi Miki
(Senior Managing Executive Officer of Sumitomo Metals)
China Steel Sumikin Vietnam Joint Stock Company (CSVC), a joint venture of Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. (Sumitomo Metals) and China Steel Corporation (CSC) held its groundbreaking ceremony at My Xuan A2 Industrial Zone (VFIP), Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam on September 8th, 2011. Around 500 people from Vietnam, Taiwan, and Japan, attended the ceremony including the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade, Deputy of Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, government officials, the Japanese Consul General, and representatives from invested companies. .


中鋼越南冷軋廠 嗆聲浦項

中鋼住金公司CSVC (冷軋廠)
2011.09.06 04:43 am