越南VietJetAir 簽約購買百架A320
Posted by Michelle 劉清痕 on 上午10:58. 越南新聞 -
2014.02.13 01:18 pm
空巴在新加坡航空展銷售傳出捷報,空巴表示,已接到Amedeo公司(原名為Doric Lease Corp)簽訂購買20架A380合約;越南航空公司VietJetAir也已簽約購買超過百架空中巴士A320家族飛機。空巴表示,Doris Lease Corp為全球第三大的租賃公司,同時也是全球最大的租賃A380資產管理者。管理的飛機資產共約68億美元,包括18架經由售後租回取得的A380,去年改名Amedeo之後又增加四架A380。
DyeCoo Waterfree Textile Dyeing 紡織無水染整
Posted by Michelle 劉清痕 on 上午11:52. D- DyeCoo,D- Waterfree Dyeing 無水染色 -
DyeCoo Waterfree Textile Dyeing
DyeCoo Textile Systems is the world's first supplier of sustainable, water
free textile dyeing equipment.
越南紡織及成衣 去年出口大增
【2014/2/7 07:40】
10 Business-Building Tips From CCIM Live!
Posted by Michelle 劉清痕 on 中午12:56. CCIM Conference,CIRE 商業不動產投資雙月刊 -
CCIM Feature
10 Business-Building Tips From CCIM Live!
Industry experts inspired at CCIM Institute’s 2013 conference.
by Rich Rosfelder

The smell of hot coffee and fresh-cut business cards greeted CCIM Live! attendees as they made their way into the Denver Sheraton’s South Convention Lobby on the first morning of CCIM’s 2013 annual conference. The first of two networking breakfasts was in full swing, and conference attendees were gearing up for two days of deal making and presentations from industry experts. The aim was clear: Reach for new heights.